Young, highly virtuoso Dúo the guitarras Umbral plays New Guitar Music from Uruguay, compositions by Sergio Fernández Cabrera. Beautiful classical music with elements of folk music, a true discovery. Most pieces are world premieres.
Uruguay always remains in the shadow of big brother Argentina with regards to tango. But when it comes to guitar music, the country has great prestige, thanks to guitarists and composers such as Abel Carlevaro, Guido Santorsola, Isaias Savio, Oscar Caceres, Alvaro Pierri and Eduardo Fernandez, to name a few.
Composer Sergio Fernández Cabrera continues this tradition. His music contains many elements: the timbre of a post-Stravinsky world, the sound of the baroque, the spontaneity of jazz, structures of 20th century chamber music and natural elements of the Uruguayan folk traditions such as the tango, milonga and candombe. The music of Cabrera ‘gives a sense of freedom and joy, of modernism and romanticism, according to the Brazilian composer / musician Egberto Gismonti.
The first ten duets on this album were written in 2006 by Cabrera because he needed material for his chamber music. He worked closely with the guitarists Ignacio Correa and Sebastian Segarra, thus laying the basis for the duo. It was only logical that these compositions would appear on Umbrals debut album.
Also on this album are a very special adaptation of the traditional Uruguayan tango ‘La Puñalada’ and ‘Palhaço’, a piece by Brazilian composer Egberto Gismonti for two guitars as well.
Dúo the guitarras Umbral not only chose the works of Cabrera because they were written for them, but also because he understands their musical world, excites them and challenges them. Umbral plays virtuoso, but also surprising. One moment the duo sounds subdued, the next momentthe music sparks and the guitars are used as a percussion instrument. The transparent recording adds an extra dimension.
New Guitar Music from Uruguay is an excellent album full of musical miniatures, a journey into an unknown Uruguay.
International reviews
Dutch International reviews
‘Een kennismaking met deze muziek van de Uruguayaanse componist (1962) is aan te raden. Zijn composities zijn even doorwrocht als poetisch, getuigen van een originele muzikaliteit en hebben vaak een uitgekiende vorm. Toch is het of deze muziek ter plekke wordt bedacht door dit fenomenaal spelende Duo de guitarras Umbral. Een verademing om eindelijk eens klassieke gitaristen te horen die geen moeizame glijgeluiden produceren, maar die hun instrument kunnen laten zingen.’ (Parool, ****)
‘Serieuze ingetogenheid en vlammende expressie wisselen elkaar steeds opnieuw af in verrassende en spannende muziek, die ongelooflijk virtuoos wordt vertolkt.’ (Klassieke Zaken)
‘Grote klasse.’ (Linda)
‘Met 12 snaren en een hoop virtuositeit is het Dúo de Guitarras Umbral in staat je mee te nemen op een eindeloze Zuid Amerikaanse reis; die na een aantal keren luisteren grenzenloos blijkt te zijn!’ (Radio 6)
‘De twee gitaren kronkelen om elkaar heen en gaan tegen elkaar in, maar blijven altijd prachtig en beheerst klinken.’ (Espana & Mas, ***1/2)